Useful Links Essay Basics Useful Readables Essay Body Essay Writing Tip 40 Sample Essays New Set of Samples :
Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours.
Sample Stormy Beginning
100- Working on day or at night 99- Effects of bad news 98-Making Important decisions 97- Automblies stakes or benefits 96- Working Moms 95- TV and its effect on communication 94-Building a new University 93-Disadvantages of Doom-scroling 92-Why solo trips are essential 91-The Importance of Coffee Shops 90-The Power of Smile 89-Some of the advantages of online shopping 88-Eployees , Old or New 87-Indoor vs Outdoor activities 86-Banning Cellphones 85-The Ability to read and write , now and present 84-Earning alot of Money and Success 83-Preserving The Old Buildings 82-Experience vs Education 81-Noverbal Clues 80-Best Age for Marriage 79- Disadvantages of a Busy life 78-Students Having their Own Cars 77- The best place to visit 76- Causes of the Divorce? 75- How much sleep they need 74- Is confusion a good thing? 73- Athletes in the Company 72- Watching TV and Mobile 71- Advantages of Home-based Job 70- Raisning Children 69- Effect of Migration 68- Living Longer 67- How We Learn 66- Smart-Phone 65- Effectvive vs non-effective Writing 64- Quality Care 63- it ain`t over 62- Ways to control stress 61- Teachers and compute 60- The youth and the Parents 59- Tending the pets 58- Dangerouse Sports 57- Border-less countries 56- Sports events and World`s Tension 55- Grey Wolf 54- Teachers and computer 53- The effect of Computer on Children 52- Effects of movie on people 51- Learning from films 50- Building a new factory 49- Financial Education Children 48- Spending more on Health 47- Enviornmental Problems 46- Helping Poor Countries 45- The Cars Colors 44- The Damage on Earth 43- A year Without Sugar 42- Government Sunsidizing the art 41- Study Abroad 40- Prefer change or not 39- Parent`s the best teachers 38- Organism in Mars 37- Kid`s Leaisure Time 36- Having few friends P 35- Enternainer`s earnings P 34- Ease of cooking P 33- Computer , positive or negative for the children 32- The commercial Impact 31- About Banning Smoking 30- About the Technology 29- Art Fund P 28- Animals in Zoo 27- Speed and the New Century 26- About a good Movie 25- Children Competition S 24- A Child Gift 23- A Boss 22- A traditional or a modern building 21- Stone Age Flute P 20- The Harms of TV P 19- The taller, the happier 18- Children become good parents 17- Books that are about real events 16- The qualities of good parents 15-Your generation and your parent's generation? P 14- Biggest Diet Mistake New 13- An important skill one should know 12- Getting early in the morning. 11- Capital punishment S 10- Attraction to dangerous sports 09- Safe alternatives to fissile fuels 08- Computer negative effects 07- Successful sports earn more 06- People doing the same things 05- youngsters and taking drugs 04- Camping in a tent 03- Your worst job ever done in 02- Needs for Farmlands 01- A country moral obligation
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